.. _settings: Settings ========== .. automodule:: etna.settings :no-members: :no-inherited-members: .. note:: At the package init by default etna checks availability of all packages and warns you if some of them are not available. All available installation options: .. code-block:: console pip install etna pip install etna[prophet] pip install etna[torch] pip install etna[wandb] pip install etna[auto] pip install etna[classification] pip install etna[statsforecast] pip install etna[all] .. note:: You also may want to make sure, that your etna project always has necessary dependencies installed. In order to do that, you need to create `.etna` file in the project directory. This way you will get error if any of the dependencies are not present. Example `.etna` file: .. code-block:: console [etna] torch_required = false prophet_required = true wandb_required = false API details ----------- .. currentmodule:: etna.settings .. autosummary:: :toctree: api/ :template: class.rst Settings There is global object :code:`SETTINGS` that can be imported.