
generate_periodic_df(periods: int, start_time: str, scale: float = 10, period: int = 1, n_segments: int = 1, freq: str = '1D', add_noise: bool = False, sigma: float = 1, random_seed: int = 1) DataFrame[source]#

Create DataFrame with periodic data.

  • periods (int) – number of timestamps

  • start_time (str) – start timestamp

  • scale (float) – we sample data from Uniform[0, scale)

  • period (int) – data frequency – x[i+period] = x[i]

  • n_segments (int) – number of segments

  • freq (str) – pandas frequency string for pandas.date_range() that is used to generate timestamp

  • add_noise (bool) – if True we add noise to final samples

  • sigma (float) – scale of added noise

  • random_seed (int) – random seed

Return type:
